Protect Your Virtual Freedoms!
Does WPA (Windows Product Activation) cause problems for paying customers?
Alternatives and Free Software
AntiM$ Articles and Humor
- This is the story of an ex-M$ temp employee and his experience with the company.
What does XP stand for?
- This link is mainly a mac site asking what does XP stand for?
Windows Sucks
- Excellent site! Lots of information.
- This link is mainly a mac site, but with thousands of funny comics.
Anti-Bill site
- Anti-Bill site
Anti-M$ Webring
- This is the Anti-M$ webring.
The Unofficial Bill Gates
- The Unofficial Bill Gates.
Bill Gates Pie Gates Page
- Bill Gates Pie Gates Page.
Douglas Adams on Windows 95
- This is Douglas Adams' take on Windows 95.
- This is a selection of Macpics.
The Ultimate Bill Gates
- This is the Ultimate Bill Gates site.
BSOD page
- This is the BSODs everywhere! page.
Internet Exploder is Evil!
- This is the Internet Exploder is Evil! page.
M$ and Bill Gates page
- This is the M$ and Bill Gates page.
The Apple collection
- This is the The Apple collection anti-M$ page.
After Y2K
- This is a parody comic of after Y2K.
Anti-M$ images
- This is some Anti-M$ images.
- This is the Gatezilla image.
Gates 007
- This is secret agent Gates 007.
Bill Gates as Harry Potter
- This is Bill Gates as a Harry Potter wannabe.
Bill Gates the Convict
- This is Bill Gates the Convict.
The M$ Army
- This is The M$ Army.
M$ Licening
- This is an implementation of M$ Licening.
The Early Years
- This is Bill Gates in The Early Years.
More of the M$ Army
- This is some More of the M$ Army.
Resistance is futile!
- This is the M$ Borg.
Bill Gates on the Stand
- This is Bill Gates on the Stand during the anti-trust case.
Gates on the Copier
- This is Bill Gates emails to Apple.
Gates the devil
- This is Bill Gates the devil.
Other Misc. Gems
What does Vista have to offer?
Microsoft Works uses FUD as a marketing feature
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